Yihong Zhang (张轶泓)
PhD student at Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineeringyz489 at cs.washington.edu
About me
I am a third-year PhD student studying Computer Science at UW Seattle, co-advised by Zachary Tatlock and Dan Suciu. I am broadly interested in the theories and applications of programming languages and data management.
Currently, I am working on a program optimization technique called Equality Saturation (EqSat):
- Theory: I try to answer questions like "when does EqSat terminate?".
- System: I am working on a new system called egglog that unifies Datalog and EqSat.
- Technique: I am interested in techniques that make EqSat better. In our POPL 2022 paper we made pattern matching in EqSat asymptotically faster.
- Application: I am always looking to apply EqSat to emerging domains, such as computational fabrication. I am maintaining a list of projects that use equality saturation.
I previously interned at Adobe Research under Maaz Ahmad, at RelationalAI under Martin Bravenboer, and at HKUST under Lionel Parreaux.
Blog | Curriculum Vitae | Coursework | GitHubConferences and Workshops
E-Graphs as Circuits, and Optimal Extraction via Treewidth
Glenn Sun, Yihong Zhang, Haobin Ni
[arXiv] -
Semantic foundations of equality saturation
Dan Suciu, Yisu Remy Wang, Yihong Zhang
ICDT 2025
Database Theory + X: Search-based Program Optimization
Yihong Zhang, Dan Suciu, Yisu Remy Wang, Max Willsey
ICDT 2025 Database Theory + X track
Efficient Bottom-Up Synthesis for Programs with Local Variables
Xiang Li*, Xiangyu Zhou*, Rui Dong, Yihong Zhang, Xinyu Wang
POPL 2024
Selected for MIT PL Review 2024
[arXiv] -
Ensuring the Termination of EqSat for Terminating Term Rewriting Systems (Contributed
Yihong Zhang, Oliver Flatt
[paper] [slides] -
egglog In Practice: Automatically Improving Floating-point Error (Contributed Talk)
Oliver Flatt, Yihong Zhang
[paper] [talk] -
Better Together: Unifying Datalog and Equality Saturation
Yihong Zhang, Yisu Remy Wang, Oliver Flatt, David Cao, Philip Zucker, Eli Rosenthal, Zachary Tatlock, Max Willsey
PLDI 2023
Selected for MIT PL Review 2024
[paper] [slides] -
Chasing an Egg (Contributed Talk)
Yihong Zhang
[abstract] [slides] -
Relational E-Matching Conference
Yihong Zhang, Yisu Remy Wang, Max Willsey, Zachary Tatlock
POPL 2022
[paper] [talk] -
Faster and Worst-Case Optimal E-Matching via Reduction to Conjunctive Queries
Yihong Zhang
PLDI 2021 Student Research Competition (Undergraduate division)
Won first place at PLDI SRC and second place in the SRC Grand Finals
[abstract] [poster] [slides] [grand-finals] -
GeCo: Quality Counterfactual Explanations in Real Time Conference
Maximilian Schleich, Zixuan Geng, Yihong Zhang, Dan Suciu
VLDB 2021
[paper] [src] [talk]
Towards a Relational E-graph
Master's Thesis
Yihong Zhang
Other projects
- A Staged Datalog Compiler using Lightweight Modular Staging
Course project of "CSE 544 Principles of DBMS"
[report] [src] - Combining Statistical Top-down Deductions and Bottom-up Enumerations for Programming by
Course project of "CSE 573 Artificial Intelligence"
[report] [src] - Cornelius: Killing Equivalent and Redundant Mutants with E-graphs
Course project of "CSE 503: Software Engineering"
With Ben Kushigian, Ishan Chatterjee, and Gabrielle Strandquist.
[report] [src] - Sager: A Demonic Graph Synthesizer for Worst-Case Performance
Course project of "CSE 507 Computer-Aided Reasoning for Software"
With Mike He.
[src] - Hatafun: Embedding Datafun (ICFP 2016) in Haskell
[src] - egraph-sqlite: Equality Saturation on top of SQLite